Saturday, December 5, 2009

Keeping peace among allies was sometimes a delicate balancing game. That included accommodations. " "But there are all the palaces-for the representatives of the lands-on Kings Row. " Kahlan grunted.

Enough. They do want their own loo-cows even if the creatures are ungrateful enough not to give milk. You know we could import some cattle or goats and sheep. They'd be useful for us to have. " "If you can find any " Beverly remarked. "True but we can look. A lot of Terran animals would do well here. " "Now wait a minute " Beverly said raising a big hand in caution "we have.
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Other side of the hallway. He set his drink down on the counter and quietly crossed the kitchen. The turret was deserted. There was nobody on the stairs either above or below. He took the short passageway down to what Marco had dubbed the Casino an immense wood-paneled room lit by a number of low-slung lights which indeed looked as though it had been designed to house a roulette wheel and half a dozen poker tables. Judging by the distance of the voice it seemed the likeliest place for whoever had spoken to be lurking. As he walked down the passageway it briefly occurred to him that to make this investigation without Marco at his side was foolishness. But the drink made him bold. Besides it was only a woman he'd heard. He could deal with a woman. The door of the Casino stood open. He peered in. The windows were undraped; a few soft.
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